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On a surface level it’s easy to make the comparison. ISIS
have shocked the world with their brutality, using violence and fear to gain
control over large swathes of land, unlawfully seizing and destroying public
infrastructure, slaughtering children and executing people from other religious
sects. Not that I agree, but I can see how someone might find some similarities
to God’s commands to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 7:1-2:
“When the LORD your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations more numerous and mightier than you, and when the LORD your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction. You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them.”
Clearly no Christian can be blasé about these kinds of passages.
In fact the gravity of these verses has led some believers to question whether
or not the writers of the Old Testament books were mistaken in recording God’s
commands. From a purely New Testament view, it can be sometimes hard to reconcile
our image of the merciful, forgiving Father with the almighty, fearsome judge
of the Old Testament period. But I don’t think we need to give up the integrity
or cohesiveness of the scriptures to develop an understanding of these issues
that is theologically, morally and intellectually satisfying.
In truth it is the Canaanites who need to be compared with
ISIS, not God. There are many parallels in the Canaanite culture to the
terrible, depraved acts carried out by ISIS, including their despicable
treatment of children, their degrading and disgusting sexual practices and
their destructive influences on the societies around them. The comparison
between God and ISIS can only be made if you decide to ignore the more
startling analogy to the Canaanites or the Amalekites in the first place – a
move which makes no logical sense and has questionable motives.
So let’s take a brief look at how the Canaanites/Amalekites
and ISIS resemble each other:
Human rights observers estimate that ISIS have killed more than 10,000 people in Iraq and Syria since they first began their violent
campaign to establish a global caliphate operating under Muslim Sharia Law. Their brutal methods include beheading their enemies, drowning them, burning
them alive, stoning them to death and throwing them from the top of tall buildings,
in addition to shooting and suicide-bomb attacks. In the past 24 hours at least 149 people have been killed in Paris as a direct result of a co-ordinated terrorist assault on innocent
civilian targets, and ISIS have claimed responsibility.
Violence was also a regular part of existence in the Ancient
Near East, and the Amalekites in particular were an aggressive tribe. In Exodus 17:8-15 we are told that the Amalekites attacked Israel without provocation when
the Israelites had only just escaped from Egypt, despite the fact that the
Israelites were more concerned with survival and finding water in the desert.
The Amalekites were not a Canaanite tribe, so they knew the Israelites weren’t
trying to take their lands. In all probability they were acting
opportunistically, hoping to gain livestock and women from a soft, unprepared
target. From Moses through to the time of Saul, Israel never once attack the
Amalekites, yet they are repeatedly attacked and raided by groups of them
(Numbers 14:45, Judges 3:13, Judges 6:3). We have a modern word to describe
this kind of repeated, unprovoked violence perpetrated against innocent victims:
Sexual Depravity:
Sexual immorality is another key similarity we see between
ISIS and the Canaanite tribes. One particularly disturbing report I read
recently described how ISIS have used captured women as young as 12 years old
as sex slaves, ritualizing rape as a pathway to deeper spiritual connection to
Allah. These extremists actually view rape as an act that purifies and cleanses the
world. This frightening practice finds its equal in the sexual depravity of the
Canaanite culture.
In Canaanite mythology, their god Ba’al is depicted engaging
in incest on different occasions with his mother, his sister and his daughter. In
fact one story depicts Ba’al raping his sister while she was in the form of a
calf “seventy-seven, even eighty eight times,” or A LOT, as we would say. It is
no stretch of the imagination to suggest that if a god they worshipped was
famous for repeated incestuous rape, it was more than likely an embedded
practice within their society. And this is reflected in what we know of
Canaanite laws: while early Canaanite societies killed or banished those found
guilty of incest, these penalties were reduced to merely a fine by the 14th
century BC. Not only was incest (and therefore quite likely the molestation of
children) a part of Canaanite society, but they also engaged in religious sex
rituals in their temples involving multiple people and encouraged each other to
practice bestiality, for which they also relaxed their laws.
Crimes Against Children:
Every parent shudders at the thought of their children
falling into the hands of evil men, and ISIS are the stuff of parental
nightmares. Recently ISIS were thought to have killed hundreds of Syrian children in a mass execution, while their use of child soldiers and executioners has also been well
documented. In Mosul last January they executed 13 teenage boys by firing squad for
watching Iraq play Jordan in the Asian Cup football tournament, and families were unable to collect their bodies from the public square for
fear of being attacked.
The Canaanites executed children too, burning them as live
offerings to Moloch or Ba’al (sometimes called Kronos), often in payment of a vow.
Cleitarchus records for us: “There stands in their midst a bronze statue of
Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf
the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open
mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into
the brazier.” We also have a reference from Plutarch, who tells us that “the
whole area before the statue was filled with a loud noise of flutes and drums
so that the cries of the wailing should not reach the ears of the people.” In
addition to these (and other) classical sources we also have archaeological
evidence, multiple inscriptions and an Egyptian depiction of the practice
occurring within Syria-Palestine, so that in the words of Oxford professor John
Day, “There is therefore no reason to doubt the biblical testimony to Canaanite
child sacrifice.”
It would be remiss here not to mention that children were probably
killed by the Israelites as part of the Canaanite conquest, and definitely
killed by them in the destruction of Amalek. We must remember though that these
children’s deaths came about as the consequence of their parents’ actions and
choices. The children are victims, but not of the Israelites. Instead the
parents and the culture must bear the blame for the deaths of their children,
because it was their persistent sinful action that placed their children in the
unfortunate circumstances of having a quick, merciful death by the sword or a
slow, painful death left by themselves in the wilderness, as their only
options. Christians certainly need to wrestle honestly with these distasteful
circumstances, but we also need to keep in mind where the culpability lies.
Some Questions:
The atheist or critic however must wrestle with three
questions: Firstly, can you be consistent in taking a stance against ISIS while
excusing the actions of the Canaanites? If you think ISIS needs to be stopped
and you support military action against them, can you then also complain about
military action taken against similar threats to humanity, safety and decency
by the Israelites at God’s command?
Secondly can you be consistent if you find the execution of
Canaanite children by the Israelites immoral, but you yourself are pro-abortion?
If you can conceive of one set of circumstances under which it is permissible to
terminate a young human life, why decry another? While the clever respondent
may try to flip this problem back onto the Christian, it doesn't really work:
Unborn babies will usually arrive in the world with parents or at the very
least adults to look after them and a blank development slate, while the
Amalekite/Canaanite children had no caregivers, no resources for survival and
were undoubtedly damaged from the harsh, debauched lives of their communities. The
other major difference is that the killing of children in the Old Testament happened
in extremely unique circumstances and was never going to be a part of everyday
existence, unlike abortion, which some people want to embed into society as a
normal practice. If you’re one of those people, but you take exception to the events
in the Old Testament, you have an inconsistency to resolve.
Finally the biggie: Can you consistently attempt to use evil
as a proof God doesn't exist, but then condemn him when he acts against evil?
One of the most common objections to the existence of God is that evil exists
in the world, and a good God wouldn't permit evil like ISIS to exist. “Where is
your God? He should do something to clean up this mess!” But when God cleans
house in the Old Testament, he’s a genocidal maniac according the very same
voices that want to use evil to disprove his existence.
There is a ton more to say on this topic, but rather than
read it from me, I invite you to get a more thorough treatment of the
Canaanites by reading Dr. Clay Jones’ scholarly work entitled “We Don’t Hate Sin So We Don’t Understand What Happened to the Canaanites” (PDF) along with this in-depth Glenn Miller article on the Amalekites.
This is one of the reasons why I hate Christianity: because it makes people like you apologists for genocide, even though in any other circumstances they would never consider rationalizing it.
ReplyDeleteI implore you to abandon this evil religion and become a better person. Stop throwing your life away on a lie! You have a whole world to gain.
Am I an apologist for genocide? Genocide is the killing of people because of their ethnicity or culture. The Canaanites were ousted from Canaan as a punishment for their sin, as documented above in the article, not because they were Canaanites. The Amalekites were also punished, in their case for having attacked Israel without provocation as the vulnerable Israelites fled Egypt. Is it OK to attack helpless refugees? Or should we bring those that do such things to justice?
DeleteHorowitz (sociologist, 1996) defines genocide as: "a structural and systematic destruction of innocent people by a state bureaucratic apparatus." The Canaanites were not innocent and were not targeted because of their identity, but because of their wrongdoing.
Charny (1994): "Genocide in the generic sense means the mass killing of substantial numbers of human beings, when not in the course of military action against the military forces of an avowed enemy, under conditions of the essential defencelessness of the victim."
The Canaanites that were killed (if any - it's not clear that there were many actual conflicts, many of the Canaanite cities fled before the advance of the Israelites) were military combatants. They weren't defenceless. The conflicts described in the Old Testament were not genocide, they were war - which is an entirely different moral category, as long as you believe some wars can be justified and that force is sometimes necessary to stop evil.
Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the comment.